

Myristica fragrans, widely known as nutmeg. The fruit of this evergreen tree is used as a spice all over the world. Few know, that it actually has intoxicating properties.

Other Names Myristica fragrans
Effects Yes, eating nutmeg can actually make you feel high, or to be more precise delirious. It is a deliriant. Many who have attempted it report marijuana like buzz and sometimes intense hallucinations (bad trips are more common, common themes are panic, horror, paranoia, dread) . The main active ingredient is myristicin. The use of nutmeg as a recreational drug is unpopular due to it’s unpleasant taste and it’s side effects. You will always experience some or all of these side effects: dizziness, flushes, dry mouth, accelerated heartbeat, temporary constipation, panic , problem in urination and nausea. Large doses can also kill you and some people are actually allergic to it, so even small doses can kill them. It is legal everywhere and can be found in most grocery stores. Please note: Not many have given Nutmeg positive feedback
Dosage The best way to consume blue lotus is to create lotus wine (alcohol extraction works best, Egyptians consumed it as a tea but that is a very inefficient method). You will need dry red wine 14 % The best way to consume blue lotus is to create lotus wine (alcohol extraction works best, Egyptians consumed it as a tea but that is a very inefficient method). You will need dry red wine 14 % alcohol (it needs to be a strong 13-14% red wine for it work). And you will need 2-3 grams of dried leaves and 1 gram 20x extract. Put it in the wine, let it soak for a day or two. Filter the wine, and it’s done. Serve chilled, enjoy! It’s a great legal high, I absolutely love it. Very few people know about blue lotus, it’s an undiscovered gem from Ancient Egypt.
Legal Status Legal and available worldwide.
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