The Pillars Of Tubal Cain, by Nigel Jackson and Michael Howard


Angelic wisdom forms the teaching of true magick. Here is a new and unique view of Western magick, its origins and its preservation in Esoteric Christianity, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, alchemy, medieval magick, the Cabbala, the Tarot, the Grail mythos, Arthurian legends, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and traditional witchcraft. Includes the origins of angelology; the Gnostic myth of the fallen angels; the forgotten giant races' civilizations; the esoteric symbols within Hermeticism and Masonry; and the inner Grail mysteries.

Book Reference
Author Nigel Jackson & Michael Howard
Publisher Capall Bann Publishing
Edition 2nd Edition
Condition Used
Year 2003
Binding Softcover
Pages 286
Genre Occult, Magick
Extras TBA

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