Our Products

Unlike the previous store, we decided to take time and learn from our customers and to provide you a line of bespoke products giving you the quality  you deserve for all the work you put into each ritual you set out to do. We have chosen and studied each and every item rather than to supply you products in bulk.

Our Botanicals of Herbs & Oils
There are thousands of potential herbs for your use within your rituals and everyday use. We have selected the most popular herbs based on the ingredients needed for the rituals that mean the most to you. However we will be adding more herbs as the season allows them to grow. Specialty Oils and Ointments is available in pre-determined batches until sold and remade or grown again.

Our Candles are handmade and of the highest quality, 100% natural Beeswax burning much slower than mass produced praffin wax candles.  We use respective herbs and oils that is traditionally used with the energies of the given purpose of the candles.

The books we carry are eiher of limited edition, rare, specialty and highly recommended. Each book is chosen carefully for what it can bring to the viewers transformation within their souls and carnal cycle. We at Witch Flame Botanica firmly believe that if you have come here then you have reach a point of elevation In what more you may learn to grow.

Tools of Rite
The books we carry are eiher of limited edition, rare, specialty and highly recommended.

The wands that we have in-house is made of rare and sacred wood carved and preferably made to order. We however have a basic stock available for common needs.

Information will be added shortly.