Hagen von Tulien

Hagen Von Tulien - Nestor Avalos - Seba Dijai


Humanity builds its bearers by dividing its own. However, in spirit there is an intelligence that knows the there is only strength in uniting. Hagen von Tulien is a German artist and has connected to such forces allowing him to imprint messages received through the gnosis of his many creations worldwide working as an artist and occultist workin in a variety of media including pen and ink, paper cut, collage and digital formats.

With more than thirty years of intense magical theory and practice, he has specialized in creating art as an expression and manifestation of magical states of awareness and its use as an esoteric tool. Hagen was forever following his spiritual and occult vocation. This resulted in his interest and engagement in various esoteric and hermetic traditions.

He is currently a Master-Initiate of the Fraternitas Saturni (F.S.) and an empowered adept of the Société Voudon Gnostique (S.V.G.), focused on deeply researching the Saturnian and Voudon Gnosis.

La Société Voudon Gnostique is a selective group of initiates and artists dedicated to manifesting the more powerful, inner revelations and transmissions of the Gods of Esoteric Voudon, as well as to push evolution and research of Voudon Gnosis and sorcery freely beyond all frontiers of orthodoxy. As a Gnostic Bishop of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis (ordained by Michael Bertiaux), Hagen von Tulien is dedicated to manifesting the supreme and divine Gnosis Aeterna within himself while assisting others on their own path to kosmic freedom and liberation.

Credits and Links: (Many thanks to Dawn von Nagy for the translation of my German answers into English) http://www.behance.net/Hagen_von_Tulien http://www.voudongnosis.org/ https://www.facebook.com/hagen.von.tulien Publications:

  • Illustrations for 'Voudon Gnosis' by David Beth (2nd revised and expanded edition by Fulgur Ltd. 2010).
  • Illustrations for 'Shekinah 9: Schriftenreihe für Schamanismus - Okkultismus - Parapsychologie - Magie', (Edition Roter Drache, 2010, Rudolstadt, Germany)
  • Illustrations for 'Shekinah 10: Schriftenreihe für Schamanismus - Okkultismus - Parapsychologie - Magie', (Edition Roter Drache, 2011, Rudolstadt, Germany)
  • Cover-Art for 'NecroYoga - Die Physik der Finsternis', by W.H. Müller (Edition Roter Drache, 2011, Rudolstadt, Germany)
  • Cultus Ghuédhé - Liber C-G, by Hagen von Tulien (privately published, 2013, Berlin)
  • Illustrations for AST MA ION - EOS TAR NIXET, by Edgar Kerval (Editorial Ophiolatreia, 2014, Bogotá, Colombia)
  • Artwork for 'QLIPHOTH Journal' Opus IV (2014)
  • Over the years: Diverse self-published works of art (limited editions of prints, art-sets, originals, ...) and commission work.