Nestor Avalos

Hagen Von Tulien - Nestor Avalos - Seba Dijai


Nestor AvalosWithin the world of art I was influenced by sensational images from magazines articles, occultist, periodic reading of mythological histories, cartoon characters, such as horror films, real contact and development as an artist came when the loneliness arrived at my door, a time of personal state isolation to human contact to a real encounter emotional and spiritual inner dissipated, where a series of questions get materialized challenging my personal integrity. A painful process of purification.

During this entire time course of the creative factor, was steady but never disappeared, lay under the shadow of personal zeal, quantity of works to be exhibited and screaming out of the shadows. Through a series of editorial houses, magicians and heavy metal bands giving me the opportunity to participate in his works as an illustrator –

Dragon of the Two Flames - Demonic Magick and the Gods of Canaan by Michael W. Ford ( various Artists)  - editorial: Succubus Productions

  • Shadows of Azathoth - Horrific Tales of Vampiric Darkness by Michael W. Ford – editorial: Succubus Productions 
  • SABBATICA /  The Seas Of Death And The Arcana Of Deathbringer (Various Authors and Artists)  -  editorial: Nephilim Press
  • PILLARS I - (Vol.1, Issue.1) - "Psychopompos" (Various Authors and Artists)   - editorial: Anathema Pillars Journal
  • CHAOSPHERE MAGAZINE VOLUME 7 - (Various Authors and Artists)  - editorial: Primordial urge publishing
  • Fruits of Eden TARL WARWICK-editorial – editorial: Xaosis Publications
  • Psalterium Sathanas - by J.C. Boomsma (Various  Artists)   -editorial:  Aeon Sophia Press
  • Anthology Of Sorcery: Book 1 - (Various Authors and Artists)   - editorial:
  • Qliphoth Opus II - (Various Authors and Artists)   -editorial:  Aeon Sophia Press

And I would give special thanks to all the great people who support my art and my person as well, giving me  a hand to keep myself growing up in the left hand path and all the aspects of my life, I’m deeply  grateful. -  

Live in Chaos – Burn in freedom