Sacred Grounds

Traditionally, I have been raised to connect to source within the jewels of the earth and sournding elements for strength, healing, protection and power. It is for this reason alone, that the Witch Flame sacred botanical garden will always be interwinded with the soul, and elements it gives connection to.

We cultivate most of our diverse collection of herbs on site which is managaged by a team of skilled herbalist, practitioners and botanist in the Sout East Coast of England. In some cases where there are rare herbs not native to Europe we will import. To name a few of the herbs we carry includes Sage, Mugwort and Lavender only to name a few. 

However, as supplies are very scarce, it is not often that we will have such seeds available so be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for updates. Unfortunately we don't have an exact number of all of the different species that we have at the moment, but it would be safe in saying that we care for up to 100 different live herbs and flowers along with their sub-spieces along with dozens we cultivate in-doors in a smoke free sacred environment to compensate for the climate needs of each plant that does not adapt well within the English climate.